Elf on the shelf ideas to recreate at home with your kids

Originating from a children’s book written in 2004, the Elf on the Shelf has swiftly become a Christmas tradition around the world. Supposedly assisting Santa in reporting on who is naughty or nice, the small figurines are placed around the house in the 25 days leading up to Christmas, delighting parents and children alike. Often found in precarious positions, or taking part in naughty activities, as a festive pastime, it doesn't get much better than this. Below we explain some of the more creative ways to entertain the kids with elves antics.
Before even looking at where you place them, or what they will be getting up to each morning, it can often-times be more helpful to have more than one Elf in your team of tricksters. This opens the doors up to loads more activities for them to be doing and games they can be playing. If you want to take it one step further, you can have a small family of them, as you can get both male and female versions of the elves at most Christmas stores.
Its all about placement
Perhaps the most fun part is thinking of all the mischief that the elves can get up to. Ideas range from innocent and playful, to downright naughty and sometimes a bit disgusting. When it comes to the kids though, it's best to try and keep it a bit light-hearted and reserve the more adult themed ideas for the no child households.
Here are some of the better ones we’ve seen over the years. Feel free to mimic these, or draw inspiration to come up with your own entertaining ideas for their morning antics.
Source: Facebook.com
Credit: Katherine Brookes
Perhaps a bit more on the risky side, but we love this creative idea that incorporates another childrens favourite character, Peppa Pig. A few cut up slices of ham and a cute note gives a nice touch and is sure to have your kids laughing, whilst also giving them a little snack.
Source: Facebook.com
Credit: Katherine Brookes
This one takes a little more preparation but is well worth it. Creating a small twister board, you can have your elves in all sorts of precarious positions.
Source: myhomebasedlife.com
Credit: MHBL
Some of the most effective ideas are those that are the most simple to pull off. Rolling one of the elves in wrapping paper and having one of his friends acting as the one who did it is an easy idea but guaranteed to get a giggle out of the children of the house.
Source: Facebook.com
Credit: Katherine Brookes
It's always fun to get food involved and this next idea takes it to another level with a clever pun to laugh at. Cheese and crackers Christmas style, with the added benefit of a little gift to be found inside once they finish snacking on the cheese!
The main thing to remember is to be creative and have fun with it. Think of the different rooms in the house, and what sort of mischief can be had in each. You will know your children best and what will tickle their funny bones.
Of course, to do all of this, you need a home to do it in. be it an apartment, a farmhouse, bungalow or maisonette, Zanzi Homes has an extensive array of properties for you to take a look at. So why not pop into one of our branches or give us a call and start your journey to becoming a homeowner, today.